Past Projects

Here are some past open source projects I worked on.

WordPress Plugins


WPBook was a WordPress plugin that allowed you to create a Facebook app from your WordPress site. It was created in the early days of Facebook apps and provided a way for your Facebook friends to follow your blog without leaving Facebook. More on the Project Page.

Pirate Day

Pirate Day was a WordPress plugin that used Yahoo!’s Pirate Language API to translate your site’s content into Pirate. Here is a link to the Project Page.

Facebook CommentsTNG

This was a plugin that scrapped comments from blog posts that were shared on Facebook and brought them into your WordPress site.

Simple SOPA Blackout

Back in the the Save Online Privacy Act was a poorly written bill that would have censored the internet. This plugin was part of a national protest that helped people let Congress know that the bill shouldn’t be enacted into law. Project Page

Other Projects


Stripr is a simple PHP script that strips the formatting from pasted content. It’s main use is for when an article is going to be printed or to remove distractions busy sites. Check out the Project Page or visit the demo.

This was a method to provide transit users a way to get a mobile alert that they bus was near by sending them SMS or voice call. The Project Page has more.


PHPSlideShow is a PHP script by Greg Lawler for displaying photos uploaded to a directory on a web server. I contributed a few features and helped support the project on its Google Group support form.